Monday, June 29, 2009

why the first pic

so people are asking me why I leave he day 1 pic up here. "aren't you embarrassed?" they ask...well the truth is YES I AM EMBARRASSED-I am embarrassed for that person back in March who had let herself get so far gone from being healthy. I am embarrassed that I had so little care for my own personal well-being that I chose not o do something about it a long time ago. What I am NOT embarrassed about is the fact that I finally threw down the towel and made a move. A move o make a change in my life. Now does this change affect the wold around me-in a way it does. My body looks beter of course but my mind and heart feel better-in tun I feel like I have a better outlook and attitude towards myself and the world around me. Change-that's all we heard last year-so when and where does that chang occur? It starts within. There is no way to change our world without starting at home.
change your mind
change your body
change your heart
change the world

1 comment:

  1. Please become a fan of the Medi-Weightloss Clinics brand page!!
